My Stalkers, Part 2

Part 2

KB:            OH!  You know what?  I just remembered that there was another stalker that year too!

Stacey:    what???

KB:            I can’t believe I forgot about him!!!  There was the disabled guy that wouldn’t stop callIng me.

Stacey:    geeez KB…holy

Stacey:    how’d he get your number in the first place?

KB:            I was looking for a job and responded to an ad for a home help aid. This guy was disabled and needed someone to come in and clean for him and cook a meal or two.

KB:            So, I took the bus and went to his home, which was the bottom apartment of a duplex….I remember there was very little light, maybe one lamp…the blinds were closed and it was really dusty.  He had newspapers and magazines all over the place.  I remember not wanting to sit anywhere…lol…anyway, he explained the duties of the job, which were all ok with me (the most important duty was to help him organize his stamp and coin collections, which he showed me was strewn all over the dining room table. lolol).  He had another girl to interview and he was gonna call me.

KB:           So, I took the bus back to the dorm and waited.  Two days later he called and said he’d chosen me over the other girl because she turned out to be gay. I asked if that was a problem for him and he said, “well, of course it is.  How am I supposed to have sex with a gay girl??”

Stacey:    oh for crissakes!!!….man oh man

KB:             Right??!!!  So I said, “Um, you didn’t say anything about having sex as a job requirement….” and he said, “well, I don’t have many chances for sex, seeing as how I’m disabled….and I just thought, while you were giving me a bath, maybe it would just…happen…”

Stacey:     OMG!!!!

KB:             I almost bust a gut trying to hold in both my laughter and my total outrage!

KB:             I said, “You know, you never said anything about bathing you as part of the job requirements either…I don’t think I’m really interested in thIs position anymore.”  He said, “Well NOW what am I supposed to do??”  I really did feel bad for the guy.  I remember thinking that he was probably mildly retarded or something and didn’t know any better….(cuz I was stupid and 19) and so I said, “I really am sorry.  I’m just not comfortable with the expectations you have… maybe you could call an escort service or something?”

KB:             And THEN he got REALLY mad at me!   “Why would I pay for sex??” and so I asked the obvious question, “Well, isn’t that what you’d be doing with me?”

KB:            And he said, “No, cuz you’d be cleaning my house and cooking for me too! I’d be paying you for all of that!  The sex would be free!!!”

KB:            haaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha!!!

Stacey:    geeeez, KB!….

KB:            Yeah, I’m laughing now but then I was totally freaked out!

KB:             I finally just said NO THANK YOU and hung up and for about two weeks he kept callIng me and leaving messages about how cruel I was and he just wanted companionship and why was that too much to ask and blah blah blah.

KB:             Then, one day, I got a call from the guy’s brother.  He apologized and said that unfortunately he wasn’t only physically disabled, he was also mentally disabled, and just “functional” enough to live mostly independently.

Stacey:      he really needed a psychiatrist

KB:              So, that was my freshman year in college! lololololol!!!

Stacey:      boy oh boy

KB:             Yeeeeaaaah, my parents never knew about any of that….HAHAHA!

1 Comment

  1. Bounette said,

    February 28, 2010 at 3:26 am

    very funny. That is creapy. sounds like something that would happen to me.

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